Features of Android - 13

Themed app icons : Android 13 extends Material You dynamic color to all app icons, letting users opt-in to icons that inherit the tint of their wallpaper and other theme preferences. All your app needs to supply is a monochromatic app icon and a tweak to the adaptive icon XML. Themed app icons adapting to wallpapers colors and dark theme (left). Per-app language preferences : Android 13 makes it easier to support multilingual users who want to use your apps in a language that’s different from the system language. Android now provides a standard “App language” Settings panel for apps that have opted-in , and you can call a new platform API to get or set the user’s preferred locale at runtime, helping to reduce boilerplate code and improve compatibility. Per-app languages in Settings Improved text support : Android 13 includes text and language improvements that help you deliver a more polished experience. Faster hyphenation op...